Graduate of the School of Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (United States of America)
Chief Executive Officer of the leading archery equipment company, Jas. D. Easton, Inc., owner of Easton Technical Products and Hoyt Archery; past owner and Chairman of Easton Sports, Inc.
Sports practised
Archery, athletics, basketball, handball, tennis, golf, skiing
Sports administration
President of the World Archery Federation (former FITA, now World Archery - WA) (1989-2005); Archery Commissioner and Mayor of the Athletes’ Village at UCLA during the Games of the XXIII Olympiad in 1984 in Los Angeles; producer of the FITA technical film at eight different Olympics; organiser of the World Outdoor Target Archery Championships in Long Beach, California in 1983; member of the Board of the National Archery Association Foundation; Board member of the LA84 Foundation and member of the United States Olympic Committee (USOC)
IOC History
Member of the IOC from 1994 to 2015; Honorary Member since 2015; Vice-President of the IOC (2002-2006); member as IF representative of the Sport and Environment Commission (1996-1999); member of the following Commissions: Press (1995-1996), Eligibility (1996), Marketing (1998-1999, 2000-2014), Finance (1999-2000), Nominations (2000-2014), "IOC 2000" Reform Follow-up (2002), 2009 Congress (2006-2009), Sport for All (2010-2014); member of the Remuneration Working Group (2003-2006); member of the Olympic Order Group (2002-2006)