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21 Feb 2014
Sochi 2014 , IOC News , YOG

Athlete Role Model Eve Muirhead talks YOG DNA after winning bronze in Sochi

Great Britain's skip Eve Muirhead lived her Olympic dream yesterday as she led her curling quartet to win the bronze in women's curling at Sochi. Young Reporter Sonali Prasad caught up with Youth Olympic Games Athlete Role Model after her podium finish.

Congratulations! You've been eagerly awaiting this medal around your neck. How does it feel?
Eve: Yes it's long overdue, I have worked hard for this day. It was a close match but when I won the bronze, I could not help tears falling down my face. This is a magical moment.

With curling so popular back home, how did you deal with the pressure?
Eve: The pressure is there but it's good for us. We have been able to medal for our country and live up to their expectations. It gives me happiness that so many people back home are supporting us

You are the Athlete Role Model for the Youth Olympic Games and your younger brother even participated in the YOG in Innsbruck in 2012. What does the YOG mean to you?
Eve: My role as an Athlete Role Model is to share my experiences with the upcoming athletes. I get to share their emotions, dreams and aspirations and, believe it or not, that inspires me. The Youth Olympic Games are special, unlike a junior championships; they have been successful in creating an identity of their own. They are fresh, they are full of spirit and value and they are fun!

Given my sport, everybody thinks it's an old man's sport. But times are changing, and the YOG has brought in much young blood to this sport. When Thomas represented
Team GB in Innsbruck at the YOG, I was a proud sister and I knew that the level of competition would be no less there. The young ones are really talented.

There are many “YOGgies” winning medals here in Sochi; they're even giving some tough competition to the more established Olympic champions! How do you feel about them being here?
Eve: The purpose of the YOG is to give young people a taste of what the Olympics will be like. I am so happy to see so many of them making it to the big stage in Sochi.
They not only make it here, but they are doing so well that are dethroning some really experienced Olympians! It's fantastic! Sport is always fun when it is youthful and energetic.

Do you have any favourites that you have been following?
Eve: It has to be Katie Summerhayes (ski slopestyle). She's a lovely little thing. I followed her competition and she put up a brilliant show.

The next edition of the YOG is in Nanjing in August this year, followed by Lillehammer in 2016. Any message to the budding aspirants?
Eve: Just go for it! This will be your one chance to make it big; your one chance to live whatever you only see on TV. All the best! Stay true to the Olympic spirit; be a YOGgie at heart; and enjoy yourself!

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