Operation: Venezuela
Latest update of camps and office locations 21 Nov 2016. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.
Key Figures
2016 end-year results | |
2,450 | border guards and government officials were trained on refugee protection |
1,580 | asylum applicants were provided with information on the Government’s status determination procedures |
370 | PoC were provided with information on conditions of return |
210 | advocacy interventions were made on SGBV prevention and response |
2017 planning figures | |
54,000 | people will receive residence permits |
1,450 | applicants will be provided with information on government status determination procedures |
770 | people of concern will receive cash grants |
450 | people will be referred to secondary and tertiary medical care |
Latest Updates
People of Concern
Decrease in
2016 | 172,957 |
2015 | 173,989 |
2014 | 174,027 |

[["Refugees",7861],["Refugee-like situation",164192],["Asylum-seekers",904]]
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- 2015
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Year-end Overview
Plan Overview
Working environment
The economic situation, added to the challenging social and political context, has resulted in the departure of thousands of Venezuelans abroad. Likewise, there has been an increase in Venezuelan population moving from states in the interior of the country to border areas, as well as an increase in commuting or cross-border movements of Venezuelan and Colombian nationals in the border area with Colombia. These populations cross temporarily to buy basic articles and medicines, to access medical care or to seek job opportunities. In 2017, the accessibility of food in the country has become more challenging, mainly due high inflation and related high prices. The state programme of food assistance through food bags to the families with critical specific needs, although important, is not sufficient. The situation poses a heightened risk of malnutrition particularly among children. The capacity of the health sector is also of growing concern due to the scarcity of medicines, equipment, and health professionals.
In this context, and despite access to social assistance programmes and services subsidized by the Venezuelan government in the past, the living conditions of the close to 7,900 refugees and some 900 asylum-seekers have deteriorated. Of great concern is also the situation of some 160,000 people in a refugee-like situation, who have not yet accessed the asylum system and remain undocumented in various parts of the country.
Key priorities
Within the framework of the Brazil Plan of Action, UNHCR will focus on:- Borders: Strengthening of national and binational protection networks to provide information, protection and humanitarian assistance to people in need of international protection with specific needs, host communities or commuting individuals or groups;
- Community-based interventions: Adoption of a community-based approach to respond to the protection risks and basic needs of refugees and host communities and strengthening of inter-institutional coordination, information management and communication with communities.
- Asylum: Strengthening the capacity of State institutions to provide international protection for asylum-seekers and refugees;
- Solutions: Facilitating the voluntary return and promoting the legal integration of refugees in the country through documentation and naturalization.