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Ahmed Abdi 1h
We have already seen the true face of the Oromo nation. Killing Somali civilians will never ever help the...
Ahmed Abdi 2h
are committing genocide against Somali civilians at .
Ahmed Abdi 5h
Ahmed Abdi 7h
Maraykanka oo saraakiil ciidan mar kale u xilsaartay arrimaha Soomaaliya, waxaa ka mid ah saraakiishan rag dagaal...
Ahmed Abdi 7h
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Ahmed Abdi retweeted
Rudaw English 19h
KRG FM calls on world to be pragmatic in dealing with Iraq
Ahmed Abdi retweeted
Prof Hussein Warsame 18h
parliament did right by and . He was transferred unlawfully and ONLF is not a terrorist organization. Period. The cabinet should acknowledge both mistakes and put judiciary controls in place. Qalbidhagax should be released or repatriated back to Somalia.
Ahmed Abdi retweeted
Julian Assange 🔹 11h
Front page of the Washington Post tomorrow along with Amazon's $600M contract with the CIA.
Ahmed Abdi retweeted
Ramon Tremosa 🎗🌹 19h
poll, pro-unionist ElPeriodico: again, absolute majority for pro-independence parties, with a clear rise of new president coalition
Ahmed Abdi retweeted
Edro-Mojo 13h
JUST IN: CLOSE FRIEND of Hillary Clinton Who Planned To “Step Away From Politics” Found DEAD In Apparent Suicide
Ahmed Abdi retweeted
SomaliaNOW🇸🇴 10h
He has been abroad more times than all other ‘presidents’. What has he achieved from these visits except waste time and money. He is without doubt working for the CIA to subvert Somalia.
Ahmed Abdi 8h
Ahmed Abdi retweeted
babalera Nov 16
(Obat Ketoprofen: Manfaat, Efek Samping, Dosis, Harga dan Bahayanya) -
Ahmed Abdi retweeted
c Nov 8
whoever created naproxen I will stab in the eye.
Ahmed Abdi retweeted
Cleveland Clinic MD Nov 13
Adding aspirin attenuates safety advantage of celecoxib, but celecoxib still associates w/ less GI events than ibuprofen or naproxen.
Ahmed Abdi retweeted
Harvard Health 21h
Is it safe to take ibuprofen for the aches & pains of exercise? looks at a recent study.
Ahmed Abdi retweeted
Ministry of Health Nov 8
During the World Pneumonia Day,CS Health will launch Amoxicillin Dispersible Tablets, recommended in the new pneumonia treatment guidelines
Ahmed Abdi 23h
Maryan Cabdi Maxamed oo ah xaaska Cabdikariim Sheekh Muuse Qalbi Dhagax oo wareysi-siisay Laanta Af-ka Soomaalida...
Ahmed Abdi 24h
Dood wadaag loo qabtay labo xildhibaan oo kala ah Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Xuseen Odawaa iyo Dahir Amin Jesow....
Ahmed Abdi 24h
Dood Kulul Live Xildhibaan Jeesow Iyo Xildhibaan C Odowaa Qalbi Dhagax.
Ahmed Abdi 24h
, madixii hore ee Hay'ada Sirdoonka iyo Nabadsugida shaqada laga ma eryin oo kaliya ee sidoo kale...
Ahmed Abdi Nov 19
ma odhan karto kamaanaan helin Golaha Shacabka Soomaaliyeed (Aqalka Hoose iyo Guurtida) garsoorkii...
Ahmed Abdi Nov 19
The commission's report also dismissed labeling the ONLF rebel group as a terrorist group, and it blamed the...
Ahmed Abdi Nov 19
Ethiopians follow Zimbabwe events with Mengistu in mind
Ahmed Abdi Nov 19
Arrinta iigu layaabka badan noqotay waxa ay noqotay haddii aad wadada xaqqa ah qaadid dadka badankii way ku...
Ahmed Abdi Nov 19
: Iyada oo khilaaf aad u weyn hadheeyay hogaanka TPLF shirkii Maqale, kaas oo ajandihiisu ahaa...
Ahmed Abdi retweeted
Somali Nationalist Nov 19
US govt donates 5 helicopters to the Amisom occupiers while ignoring & abandoning the Somali National Army(SNA) on there own land This is exactly what i mean when i say the West will never allow Somalia to rebuild its own proper military
Ahmed Abdi Nov 19
Egypt warns Ethiopia Nile dam dispute ‘life or death’
Ahmed Abdi Nov 18
Ahmed Abdi Nov 18