
Farmhouse welcomes refugees to the British countryside

In a picturesque English village, one couple have transformed their home into a haven for people who have fled violence and persecution.

20 Jul 2017

Refugee from El Salvador gives back to her adopted homeland

Gladys Zuniga came to Canada to find safety for her children. Three decades later, she is still showing gratitude to the country she now calls home.

18 Jul 2017

Salvadorans fleeing street gangs find safety in Belize village

Set up to shelter civil war refugees during the turbulent 1980s, the Valley of Peace is now welcoming Central Americans fleeing violent crime.

17 Jul 2017

New facility for refugees in Greece revives abandoned buildings

A former youth hostel has been renovated thanks to European Commission funding, helping to home around 500 refugees.

14 Jul 2017

Canada is 70 years a sanctuary for Ukrainian mother

Marta fled Ukraine during the Second World War and found refuge across the Atlantic. Now, after 70 years, she is proud to call Canada her home.

13 Jul 2017

Science graduate urges fellow Afghan refugees to 'dream big'

Mojtaba Tavakoli, who arrived in Austria as a child with just an elementary education, is about to begin a doctorate in medical research.

13 Jul 2017

Child refugee grows up to become family doctor in Canada

When Sameena and her Ugandan Asian family needed a place of safety, Canada stepped up. Now a doctor, she cares for families in her adoptive home.

11 Jul 2017

Refugee Food Festival has European diners asking for more

For its second year the festival goes continental, serving more than 10,000 diners in 13 cities in six countries in 15 days.

7 Jul 2017

Refugee seamstresses stitch together new lives in Germany

A workshop has taken on six skilled women with experience in the fashion industry and helped them to find their feet in Frankfurt.

7 Jul 2017