الاستجابة الإقليميّة للاجئين السوريين
البوابة الإلكترونية للمعلومات بين الوكالات
البوابة الإلكترونية للمعلومات بين الوكالات

معلومات شريك

Food and Agriculture Organization
Country Offices & Branches
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
حول FAO Representation in Jordan
FAO Office
26 Shmeisani - Bilal Ibn Rabah Street
الاسم الكامل Andrea Berloffa
رقم الهاتف +962-6-5627219
البريد الإلكتروني Andrea.Berloffa@fao.org
الموقع http://coin.fao.org/cms/do/en/office.html?officeCode=FNJOR

Report Date: 17/09/2017
The sectors’ selected indicators reflect achievements by end July 2017 against sectors’ objectives outlined in the humanitarian and resilience plan.
Download - (2.9 MB)
Report Date: 30/03/2017
The contents of Iinformation Kit No. 16: 1. Overall map Stats and Locations, 1 2. Foreword, 2 3. Persons of Concern: Syrian Refugees UNHCR Registration Trends in Iraq (97% in KR-I), 4 Funding Status, 5 4. 3RP Inter-sector/agency response interventions 3RP 2016 sectors, leading agencies and objectives, 6 3RP 2016 Response Summary, 7-8 Sectors’ Dashboards, 9-16 3RP 2017 on-line reporting by all agencies: Information Management as coordination support, 17 5. Non-camps (urban areas) and specific themes Profiling urban areas: Joint planning Government and UN agencies, 18-20 Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance, 21-22 CwC (Communication with communities), 23 Quick Impact projects, 24 6. Governorates overview: Who is doing What and Where (3Ws) and Camp Profiles Erbil: 4 camp profiles, 27-35 Duhok: 4 camps, 37-45 Sulaymaniyah: 1 camp, 46-48 5. List of agencies and contributions, 49 Cover paining by Ako Goran: Of art and resilience.
Download - (65.1 MB)

Food and Agriculture Organization Lebanon (FAO-Lebanon)
حول The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has been present in Lebanon since 1977. In accordance with the Organization’s mandate, the FAO Representation in Lebanon has always sought to promote a harmonious and sustainable development of the agricultural sector in consultation with directly or indirectly-related ministerial departments. FAO played a crucial role in supporting Lebanese livelihoods and food production during the civil war and through the recovery phase – also after the 2006 war.

The conflict in Syria and the large influx of refugees has put enormous pressure on an already stretched agriculture sector. FAO is working to restore the agricultural livelihoods of rural communities hosting refugees and to prevent the spread of Trans-boundary Animal Diseases (TADs), plant trans-boundary diseases and pests in refugee affected areas.
الاسم الكامل Solange Matta Saade
رقم الهاتف +9615924 005/6/7
البريد الإلكتروني solange.mattasaade@fao.org
عنوان FAO Representation, B.P. 40010 Baabda, Lebanon.
الموقع http://www.fao.org

Food Security
Jbeil, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
El Minieh-Dennie, North Lebanon, Lebanon
Akkar, North Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon