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Aerial hijacking or interference with civil air travel

Publisher UN General Assembly
Author UN General Assembly
Publication Date 25 November 1970
Citation / Document Symbol A/RES/2645
Reference Twenty-fifth Session
Cite as UN General Assembly, Aerial hijacking or interference with civil air travel, 25 November 1970, A/RES/2645, available at: [accessed 24 May 2023]

2645. Aerial hijacking or interference with civil air travel

The General Assembly,

Recognizing that international civil aviation is a vital link in the promotion and preservation of friendly relations among States and that its safe and orderly functioning is in the interest of all peoples,

Gravely concerned over acts of aerial hijacking or other wrongful interference with civil air travel,

Recognizing that such acts jeopardize the lives and safety of the passengers and crew and constitute a violation of their human rights,

Aware that international civil aviation can only function properly in conditions guaranteeing the safety of its operations and the due exercise of the freedom of air travel,

Endorsing the solemn declaration[1]1of the extraordinary session of the Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization held at Montreal from 16 to 30 June 1970,

Bearing in mind General Assembly resolution 2551 (XXIV) of 12 December 1969 and Security Council resolution 286 (1970) of 9 September 1970 adopted by consensus at the 1552nd meeting of the Council,

1. Condemns, without exception whatsoever, all acts of aerial hijacking or other interference with civil air travel, whether originally national or international, through the threat or use of force, and all acts of violence which may be directed against passengers, crew and aircraft engaged in, and air navigation facilities and aeronautical communications used by, civil air transport;

2. Calls upon States to take all appropriate measures to deter, prevent or suppress such acts within their jurisdiction, at every stage of the execution of those acts, and to provide for the prosecution and punishment of persons who perpetrate such acts, in a manner commensurate with the gravity of those crimes, or, without prejudice to the rights and obligations of States under existing international instruments relating to the matter, for the extradition of such persons for the purpose of their prosecution and punishment;

3. Declares that the exploitation of unlawful seizure of aircraft for the purpose of taking hostages is to be condemned;

4. Declares further that the unlawful detention of passengers and crew in transit or otherwise engaged in civil air travel is to be condemned as another form of wrongful interference with free and uninterrupted air travel;

5. Urges States to the territory of which a hijacked aircraft is diverted to provide for the care and safety of its passengers and crew and to enable them to continue their journey as soon as practicable, and to return the aircraft and its cargo to the persons lawfully entitled to possession;

6. Invites States to ratify or accede to the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft, signed at Tokyo on 14 September 1963,[2]2in conformity with the Convention;

7. Requests concerted action on the part of States, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, towards suppressing all acts which jeopardize the safe and orderly development of international civil air transport;

8. Calls upon States to take joint and separate action, in accordance with the Charter, in co-operation with the United Nations and the International Civil Aviation Organization to ensure that passengers, crew and aircraft engaged in civil aviation are not used as a means of extorting advantage of any kind;

9. Urges full support for the current efforts of the International Civil Aviation Organization towards the development and co-ordination in accordance with its competence, of effective measures in respect of interference with civil air travel;

10. Calls upon States to make every possible effort to achieve a successful result at the diplomatic conference to convene at The Hague in December 1970 for the purpose of the adoption of a convention on the unlawful seizure of aircraft, so that an effective convention may be brought into force at an early date.

1914th plenary meeting,
25 November 1970.

[1] International Civil Aviation Organization, Resolutions adopted by the Assembly, Seventeenth Session (Extraordinary) (Montreal, 1970), resolution A17-1.

[2] United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 704 (1969), No. 10106.

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