
Forced displacement worldwide at its highest in decades

UNHCR's annual Global Trends report says an unprecedented 65.6 million people were uprooted from their homes by conflict and persecution at the end of 2016.

19 Jun 2017

Thousands in eastern Ukraine lose access to pensions

Retired and elderly people in the non-government-controlled Donbas region have lost their pensions as a result of registration requirements.

14 Jun 2017

Supporting Education for All in Mozambique

Secondary school in refugee camp seen as a critical need by both refugees and host community

14 Jun 2017

Nigerian footballer scores success as a coach in Croatia

Celestine once played in the Nigerian Premier League. Now he is coaching the next generation, in his adopted homeland of Croatia.

14 Jun 2017

Asylum-seekers and hosts bond in Madrid befriending project

A programme launched two years ago linking Madrid residents with refugees and asylum-seekers is now overwhelmed by volunteers.

14 Jun 2017

With help, Syrian family rebuilds home amid the ruins of Homs

After five long years of displacement, UNHCR is helping Abdul Kader and his family to rebuild their lives in the war-scarred neighbourhood of Khalidiya.

13 Jun 2017

Rohingya refugee beats the odds to get schooling in Malaysia

Denied access to the national education system, Shamshidah is among refugee children attending informal schools in Malaysia where refugees have no legal status.

12 Jun 2017

Fish farm nets benefits for Congolese refugees and Ugandan hosts

Lake Rwamunga fish farming association allows its 25 members to earn a living, save regularly and then borrow funds to finance their own livelihoods projects.

9 Jun 2017

The project getting refugees on their bikes in London

The Bike Project helps refugees embark on new lives in the UK capital, giving them a way to travel around the city and a vital support network.

31 May 2017