
Forging new leaders for a Colombian region torn by war

UNHCR-backed youth leadership school seeks to build a secure future for Chocó department, a remote region scarred by decades of conflict.

5 Apr 2017

Inclusion of South African women in refugee skills training project benefits all involved

Refugee access to livelihoods and the labour market through maintaining harmonious relationships with the host population in urban settings, is an objective to which UNHCR is committed.

5 Apr 2017

Syrians find outlet for sewing skills with German sailmaker

Curtain makers Mohammed Alsahani and his son Yousef have helped fulfil the demand for skilled labour at a sailmaking workshop near Kiel.

4 Apr 2017

Refugees in Austria yearn for loved ones left behind

UNHCR is campaigning for the reunification of refugee families to be made easier in Austria, where legal and technical obstacles can keep them apart.

3 Apr 2017

Gas initiative protecting refugees and improving lives

Burundian refugees in Tanzania are using gas as an alternative energy source, making their lives easier and safer.

31 Mar 2017

Canadian entrepreneur invests millions in Syrian refugees

Jim Estill explains why he is teaming up with community leaders to help resettle and employ refugees in Guelph, Ontario.

31 Mar 2017

Handmade dolls bring hidden tales of war-torn Syria to life

Beirut family works with refugees to share stories of ordinary Syrians caught up in conflict through dolls that carry their names.

29 Mar 2017

As gangs target relatives, a Central American family flees

Four members of the Perez family were murdered by street gangs in El Salvador. The 17 surviving relatives fled to Mexico.

27 Mar 2017

Recognised refugees in South Africa call for public education on their right to work

While recognised refugees have little to worry about from Government's inspection of businesses not in compliance with the '60 percent employ South African rule', it is their colleagues and peers, who do not understand their right to work that has them living in fear.

27 Mar 2017