Title | USA: The show trial begins. Five former secret detainees arraigned at Guantánamo |
Publisher | Amnesty International |
Publication Date | 6 June 2008 |
Country | United States of America |
Topics | Constitutional law | Crimes against humanity | Death penalty | Disappeared persons | Evidence (including age and language assessments / medico-legal reports) | Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment | Military courts | Pre-trial detention | Prison or detention conditions |
Citation / Document Symbol | AMR 51/056/2008 |
Cite as | Amnesty International, USA: The show trial begins. Five former secret detainees arraigned at Guantánamo, 6 June 2008, AMR 51/056/2008, available at: https://www.refworld.org/docid/4877518b2.html [accessed 2 November 2019] |
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