Teaching Resources

Resources in English, Czech, Danish, DutchEstonian, FinnishFrenchGermanGreekGaelic, HungarianItalian, Latvian, Maltese, NorwegianPolish, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovene, SpanishSwedish

Resources in English


An awareness game putting players through the experience of refugees.

  • All countries
  • Available in English, Dutch and French
  • Suitable for all ages

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Balloon Game

Short and fun game to raise awareness of the problems refugees must juggle with in a new land.

  • All countries
  • Available in English
  • Suitable for all ages

Against All Odds

An on-line game putting the player through the experience of fleeing a country and making a dangerous journey to safety.

  • Available in several languages including Danish, English, Estonian, Finnish, Spanish and Swedish
  • Suitable for pupils aged 12 and over

UNHCR Global Trends report

UNHCR's main yearly report containing the latest facts and figures on refugees, asylum-seekers, migrants and other persons of concern.

  • Available in English
  • Suitable for pupils aged 15 to 18

Seeking Safety package

A complete lesson plan by Amnesty International with eight activities explaining basic concepts like refugee, IDP, asylum seeker.

  • United Kingdom
  • Available in English
  • Suitable for children aged 9-12

They Came Because They Had To package

A lesson plan by Amnesty International with some class activities explaining basic concepts with examples drawn from a refugee story and the story of famous refugees.

  • United Kingdom
  • Available in English and Welsh
  • Suitable for children aged 9-12

Queen's Speech class activity

A set of class activity ideas developed by Red Cross UK based on an on-line recording of Princess Elizabeth making a speech during WWII.

  • United Kingdom
  • Available in English
  • Suitable for children aged 6-9

Films - Life on Hold and Rain is beautiful

A set of two films about a Somali refugee by Amnesty International.

  • All countries
  • Available in English
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Traces Project

Online, interactive timeline of famous refugee artists, musicians and writers working in the creative industries in the UK.

  • United Kingdom
  • Available in English
  • Suitable for children aged 9-18

"Human Books" in your school

The Human Books project by Amnesty International brought refugees, migrants and ethnic minorities into several classrooms in Czech Republic, where they told their story.

  • United Kingdom and Czechia
  • Available in English and Czech
  • Inspiration for schools and teachers

Schools of Sanctuary Resource Pack

The City of Sanctuary network is an initiative by a network of UK charities to create a culture of welcome to refugees.

  • United Kingdom
  • Available in English
  • Inspiration for schools and teachers

Seeking refuge animation film series

Seeking Refuge is a BBC series of short animated films of children telling the story of how they fled their countries and came to the UK.

  • United Kingdom
  • Available in English
  • Suitable for children aged 9-12

My Dreams for the Future

My Dreams for the Future is a downloadable book based around the drawings and stories of Congolese refugee children in Burundi by UNHCR.

  • All countries
  • All text in the book is in English, Dutch and French
  • Suitable for children aged 6-12

Dadaab Stories

Dadaab Stories is a multimedia platform containing a large collection of stories and films from Dadaab Refugee camp in Kenya, home to hundreds of thousands, mostly, Somali refugees.

  • Available in English
  • Suitable for pupils aged 15 to 18

Meet the Somalis

Meet the Somalis is a collection of 14 illustrated stories depicting the real life experiences of Somalis in seven cities in Europe.

  • All countries
  • Available in English
  • Suitable for children aged 15-18

Most Shocking Second a Day videos

Two short films by NGO Save the Children showing what would happen to a little girl if a war would break out in the UK and she would be forced to flee.

  • All countries
  • Available in English
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Life on Hold web documentary

Life on Hold is an interactive web documentary on refugees in Lebanon by news network Al Jazeera.

  • All countries
  • Available in English
  • Suitable for children aged 15-18


Resources in Czech

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

"Human Books" in your school

The Human Books project by Amnesty International brought refugees, migrants and ethnic minorities into several classrooms in Czech Republic, where they told their story.

  • United Kingdom and Czechia
  • Available in English and Czech
  • Inspiration for schools and teachers


Resources in Danish

Against All Odds

An on-line game putting the player through the experience of fleeing a country and making a dangerous journey to safety.

  • Available in several languages including Danish, English, Estonian, Finnish, Spanish and Swedish
  • Suitable for pupils aged 12 and over


Resources in Dutch

De Asielzoekmachine

De Asielzoekmachine (The Asylum Seeking Machine) is an on-line multimedia story explaining asylum, migration and refugees in the Netherlands

  • The Netherlands
  • Available in Dutch
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

VluchtelingenWerk educational packages

Dutch NGO VluchtelingenWerk has developed a comprehensive package of teaching materials on refugees, asylum and migration

  • The Netherlands
  • Available in Ducth
  • Suitable for all ages


An awareness game putting players through the experience of refugees.

  • All countries
  • Available in English, Dutch and French
  • Suitable for all ages

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

UNHCR Belgium reading list

A collection of interesting books on refugees listed by UNHCR Belgium.

  • Belgium
  • List available in French and Dutch (some books available in multiple languages).
  • Suitable for children aged 15-18

My Dreams for the Future

My Dreams for the Future is a downloadable book based around the drawings and stories of Congolese refugee children in Burundi by UNHCR.

  • All countries
  • All text in the book is in English, Dutch and French
  • Suitable for children aged 6-12


Resources in Estonian

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Against All Odds

An on-line game putting the player through the experience of fleeing a country and making a dangerous journey to safety.

  • Available in several languages including Danish, English, Estonian, Finnish, Spanish and Swedish
  • Suitable for pupils aged 12 and over


Resources in Finnish

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Against All Odds

An on-line game putting the player through the experience of fleeing a country and making a dangerous journey to safety.

  • Available in several languages including Danish, English, Estonian, Finnish, Spanish and Swedish
  • Suitable for pupils aged 12 and over


Resources in French

Le Carnet de Chico

An educational package including a ten minute animated film and exercise sheets.

  • Belgium
  • Available in French
  • Suitable for children aged 6-12

Chemins d'Exil

A teachers' toolkit about asylum and migration in Belgium based on the comic book series "Chemins d'Exil", containing a board game and activity sheers.

  • Belgium
  • Available in French
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18


An awareness game putting players through the experience of refugees.

  • All countries
  • Available in English, Dutch and French
  • Suitable for all ages

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Expo-on-demand Les Emigrants belges d'hier

Les Emigrants belges d'hier is a set of paintings offered on loan to schools recounting the story of Belgians emigrating from their country in the past, with a link to refugees today.

  • Belgium
  • Available in French
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

UNHCR Belgium reading list

A collection of interesting books on refugees listed by UNHCR Belgium.

  • Belgium
  • List available in French and Dutch (some books available in multiple languages).
  • Suitable for children aged 15-18

My Dreams for the Future

My Dreams for the Future is a downloadable book based around the drawings and stories of Congolese refugee children in Burundi by UNHCR.

  • All countries
  • All text in the book is in English, Dutch and French
  • Suitable for children aged 6-12


Resources in German

Flucht und Asyl (Flight and Asylum) teacher brochure

An educational package with backgrounders for teachers and class activities.

  • Germany
  • Available in German
  • Suitable for children aged 15-18

Flüchtlinge Schützen video collection

A series of short films on refugees, asylum and migration and on the work of UNHCR.

  • Germany
  • Available in German
  • Suitable for children of all ages

Aufbrechen, Ankommen, Bleiben

An educational package with backgrounders for teachers and class activities, based on the stories of seven young refugees.

  • Austria
  • Available in German
  • Suitable for children aged 12 or older

Refugee Q&A by UNO Flüchtlingshilfe

A website explaining basic concepts on refugees, asylum and migration in German by UNO Flüchtlingshilfe.

  • Germany
  • Available in German
  • Inspiration for schools and teachers

Resources in Greek

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Resources in Gaelic

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Resources in Hungarian

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Resources in Italian

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Resources in Latvian

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Resources in Maltese

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Resources in Norwegian

Against All Odds web game

An on-line game putting the player through the experience of fleeing a country and making a dangerous journey to safety.

  • All countries
  • Available in several languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Resources in Polish

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Resources in Portuguese

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18


Resources in Slovak

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Resources in Slovene

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Resources in Spanish

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18

Resources in Swedish

Not Just Numbers Toolkit

Lesson plans, learning activities, video and photo exercises.

  • All countries
  • Available in 20 European Union languages
  • Suitable for children aged 12-18