Last Updated: Wednesday, 21 June 2017, 17:32 GMT

In Focus

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Special Features

Children and Youth

Core legal instruments and UNHCR's policy and guidance relating to children at risk.


Provisions, guidance and tools on detention, prison conditions and freedom of movement.

Gender Equality and Women

Legal, policy and guidance documents on gender equality and women.

Internally Displaced Persons

Legal, policy and operational documents relating to Internally Displaced Persons.

Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict

Key information relevant to the protection of civilians in situations of armed conflict.

Refugee Protection and International Migration

Documents on the intersection between refugee protection and international migration.

Refugee Status Determination

Legal, policy and guidance materials relevant to the refugee status determination process.


Core documents on UNHCR's resettlement activities, challenges and the policy framework.

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Key materials relevant for asylum claims based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Special Initiatives relating to UNHCR's Mandate

Key documents from several special initiatives to clarify and strengthen UNHCR's mandate.


Legal instruments, UNHCR policy documents and guidance on statelessness.

The UN Human Rights System

Documents relevant to the human rights mechanisms within the United Nations.

Trafficking in Human Beings

Key documents related to trafficking in human beings and international protection.

Voluntary Repatriation

UNHCR policies, operational guidance and tools on voluntary repatriation.

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