Last Updated: Wednesday, 04 October 2017, 13:19 GMT

Adjudication of asylum claims (refugee status determination / asylum procedures) / Refugee status determination (RSD) / Asylum procedures

Selected filters: Iraq
Showing 1-10 of 37 results
Views adopted by the Committee under the Optional Protocol, concerning communication No. 2601/2015

4 September 2017 | Publisher: UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) | Document type: Country/Situation Specific Position Papers

Arrêt n° 144 188

27 April 2015 | Judicial Body: Belgium: Conseil du Contentieux des Etrangers | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Access to procedures - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Refugee status determination (RSD) / Asylum procedures - Regional instruments | Countries: Belgium - Iraq - Italy

The Researcher, October 2014

October 2014 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Country Reports

Forced Migration Review No. 44 - Detention, alternatives to detention, and deportation

September 2013 | Publisher: Refugee Studies Centre | Document type: Thematic Reports

NM (documented/undocumented Bidoon: risk) Kuwait CG v. The Secretary of State for the Home Department

22 July 2013 | Judicial Body: United Kingdom: Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Citizenship / Nationality law - Denial of nationality - Discrimination based on race, nationality, ethnicity - Persecution of family members - Racial / Ethnic persecution - Refugee status determination (RSD) / Asylum procedures - Right to a nationality - Statelessness - Statelessness | Countries: Iraq - Kuwait - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Update #6: Camp New Iraq (formerly Camp Ashraf) residents and the processing of their cases for solutions

19 July 2013 | Publisher: UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Document type: Country/Situation Specific Position Papers

Supreme Administrative Court Decision of 24 June 2013

24 June 2013 | Judicial Body: Finland: Supreme Administrative Court | Document type: Case Law | Countries: Finland - Iran, Islamic Republic of - Iraq - Turkey

Supreme Administrative Court Decision of 24 June 2013

24 June 2013 | Judicial Body: Finland: Supreme Administrative Court | Document type: Case Law | Countries: Finland - Iran, Islamic Republic of - Iraq - Turkey

RRT Case No. 1218580

2 April 2013 | Judicial Body: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Racial / Ethnic persecution - Refugee status determination (RSD) / Asylum procedures - Religious persecution (including forced conversion) - Returnees - Social group persecution - Statelessness - Statelessness Determination Procedures - Sunni | Countries: Australia - Iraq - Kuwait

Information For Asylum-Seekers and Refugees in Egypt

April 2013 | Publisher: UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Document type: Country Profiles

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