World Humanitarian Week 2014: Celebrating humanitarian heroes Reviewed by Momizat on . World Humanitarian Week 2014 Celebrating humanitarian heroes   Ihsanullah Khan, Afghan Refugee in Kababian Rrefugee village [caption id="attachment_2221" a World Humanitarian Week 2014 Celebrating humanitarian heroes   Ihsanullah Khan, Afghan Refugee in Kababian Rrefugee village [caption id="attachment_2221" a Rating: 0
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World Humanitarian Week 2014: Celebrating humanitarian heroes

World Humanitarian Week 2014

Celebrating humanitarian heroes


Ihsanullah Khan, Afghan Refugee in Kababian Rrefugee village

© UNHCR/ J. Ghani, Peshawar, Pakistan

© UNHCR/ J. Ghani, Peshawar, Pakistan

Twenty-two-year-old Ihsanullah Khan is a resident of Kababian Refugee Village (RV) in Peshawar. His family came to Pakistan during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the early 1980s. He started working for daily wages at the age of 10 to supplement the household income, and at the age of 12 he opened a small shop with a loan from his uncle. He could not study beyond grade 12 because of financial constraints. Throughout his studies he worked part-time to support his family. He is the sole earner for a family of 12 with a mentally challenged father and a physically challenged sister to support.

In spite of the many personal challenges he faces, Ihsanullah makes time to help his community. Ihsanullah works together with school teachers to get waivers from school fees for the children of poor families, so that they are not deprived of a basic education. “I got help from people when I was in need. Now I help people to seek the pleasure of Allah. My people love me and this is a great feeling…” Ihsanullah says.

by Shandana Saad, UNHCR Peshawar


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