Uganda farming classes transform refugees into entrepreneurs

Trained to expand their rice and pepper harvests, Congolese refugees in Uganda use earnings to start new businesses and become more self-reliant.

28 Oct 2016

Kenya's stateless Makonde people finally obtain papers

They came as labourers from Mozambique in the 1930s, but only now are their descendants getting the identity papers they need to work, vote and study.

27 Oct 2016

Families fleeing Mosul assault find safety in Iraq, Syria

Across the region, UNHCR is stepping up its preparations to receive those displaced by the fighting to retake Iraq's second city.

25 Oct 2016

Mediterranean death toll soars, 2016 is deadliest year yet

With two months still to go, deaths of refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean hit all-time high

25 Oct 2016

UN refugee chief warns Syria displacement set to rise

With neighbouring countries feeling the strain of the refugee crisis, Filippo Grandi says more Syrians may become trapped within their country's borders.

24 Oct 2016

New 'Protection Desks' give expert help to South Sudan's vulnerable

Protection Desks, available in most in most POC sites in South Sudan, offer tailored advice and assistance.

21 Oct 2016

Syrian teenager flees guns and wins chance to study in Turkey

Would-be chemical engineer Rawan Batal learned Turkish and gained a university place in the central Anatolia province of Konya.

21 Oct 2016

Refugees in Egypt risk all on deadly sea crossing to Europe

Lured by smugglers, over 3,600 refugees and migrants have died or gone missing on the Mediterranean this year. Shipwreck survivors in Egypt recount their ordeal.

21 Oct 2016

UNHCR focuses on preparations for Mosul exodus

A military operation to retake Iraq's second city has so far uprooted a few thousand people, allowing the UN Refugee Agency to focus on continued preparations.

21 Oct 2016