Violence engulfs Congo's once-peaceful Kasaï region

A father is among more than 1.3 million people from the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Kasaï region fleeing a war that they never expected.

14 Jul 2017

Malala highlights education needs of Iraq's displaced children

Nobel Peace Prize winner says access to education is needed to protect displaced children both now and in the future

12 Jul 2017

Give the Rohingya hope for a future, urges UNHCR chief

Filippo Grandi has called for more opportunities for Myanmar refugees in Bangladesh and for better conditions back home.

11 Jul 2017

Syrians risk all to flee Raqqa, as new aid route offers hope

Former residents describe forced evictions by armed groups amid fighting, while newly opened land corridor brings relief to the displaced.

11 Jul 2017

More action needed to share responsibility for refugees

UNHCR protection chief Volker Türk tells stakeholders at a Geneva conference that rhetoric on responsibility sharing for refugees needs to be put into practice.

10 Jul 2017

Amid ruins of war in Mosul, residents start to rebuild

Displaced residents returning to eastern areas of the city are repairing war-damaged homes and reopening shops and businesses.

10 Jul 2017

Looking for lessons among past refugee crises

At a dialogue about sharing responsibility for refugees, stakeholders reflect on responses to earlier crises in Kosovo*, Guatemala and Viet Nam.

7 Jul 2017

UNHCR chief urges unity in Myanmar's Rakhine state

Filippo Grandi meets with communities in restive Rakhine state to better understand their needs and challenges.

6 Jul 2017

Mosul's war widows face new challenges in displacement

Female-headed households now make up more than a quarter of the 4,463 families at a UNHCR camp sheltering displaced residents from Iraq's second city.

4 Jul 2017