Refugees pay price when governments ignore asylum rules

Some politicians cast aside humanity in favour of short-term political gains, says UNHCR's international protection chief Volker Türk.

5 Oct 2017

UNHCR tackles diarrhoea outbreaks in Bangladesh camps

As Rohingya influx rises to an estimated 507,000, UN Refugee Agency adds three diarrhoea treatment centres and rehydration outreach teams.

4 Oct 2017

Zambia faces crisis as thousands flee violence in DRC

As thousands more flee violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia is now facing a growing humanitarian crisis.

3 Oct 2017

Hindus from Myanmar find welcome in Bangladesh

Driven out of Myanmar by persecution, Hindu families from four villages now live as refugees in a rural hamlet.

3 Oct 2017

Nigerian lawyer receives UNHCR's annual Nansen Award

Zannah Mustapha provides orphans of Boko Haram conflict with education and hope.

2 Oct 2017

Grandi calls for more efforts to solve conflicts

UN refugee chief says global community is letting down millions of refugees and displaced people

2 Oct 2017

Moving refugees out of the rain in Bangladesh

To beat monsoon downpours, UNHCR is providing tarps to Rohingya as they cross the border from Myanmar.

29 Sep 2017

Nigeria wins second Refugees World Cup title in Brazil

Sixteen teams with a total of 250 players took part in the annual football knock-out tournament in São Paulo.

28 Sep 2017

Survivors tell of kidnap and torture along route to Europe

Plucked from the Mediterranean by the Italian Coast Guard, refugees and migrants warn of forced labour and slavery.

27 Sep 2017