
Internal displacement

Displacements Monitored by UNHCR Protection and Return Monitoring Network (PRMN)

Total displacements

Monthly displacements 

Reasons for displacement 

About PRMN

The PRMN (Protection and Return Monitoring Network) is a UNHCR-led project implemented in partnership with NRC which identifies and reports on displacements and return trends of populations in Somalia. The network also identifies and reports on protection risks and incidents underlying such movements. The figures shown refer to displacements not population balances. Not all displacements in Somalia are captured - only figures collected by PRMN are reported. This report should be read in conjunction with the Notes on PRMN Methodology which outline the approach and certain limitations. More information on Somalia can be found on the UNHCR Somalia Data Portal.

How to use

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  • Use the 'Clear' button to clear all filters for a specific chart or map
  • Use 'Clear All Filters' button to clear all your filters for all charts and maps.


Internal displacement dataset by month, reason and region is available here under CC licence by IGOs. Please attribute data to "UNHCR-led Protection and Return Monitoring Network (PRMN) Somalia".

Departure regions map 

Arrival regions map 

Departure regions 

Arrival regions 


UNHCR is grateful for the generous contributions of donors who have directly contributed to the UNHCR Somalia Operation in 2017: