
UNHCR NIGERIA - Returnee Situation Update #11

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Document Type: Situation Reports / Updates
Document Type: English
Published: 24 July 2017 (2 months ago)
Uploaded: 25 July 2017 (2 months ago)
Downloads: 172

UNHCR NIGERIA - Returnee Situation Update #11

Document Type: Situation Reports / Updates
Document Language: English
On 19 and 22 July, two movements took place from Cameroonian’s Kolofata Region with 155 people returning to Banki in North-Eastern Nigeria under two separate circumstances. The 56 people that arrived on 19 July told UNHCR staff in Banki that they returned voluntarily and on their own while the 59 individuals that returned on 22 July were transported by Cameroonian military convoy.


  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


  • Nigeria

Population Group

Country Group
Nigeria Nigeria - Refugees  (PDF, 79.53 KB)