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UNHCR continues dialogue on humanitarianism in Buddhism with Venerable V. Vajiramedhi


The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) today continues a special discussion series on the important role of faith in providing international protection for refugees at a time of record-high levels of forced displacement.

Titled “Buddhism and Humanitarianism Discussion Series”, the talk was attended by renowned Buddhist monk V. Vajiramedhi, UNHCR’s Assistant High Commissioner for Protection Volker Türk and Thai actress Khemanit Jamikorn.

“The links between faith and humanitarianism have become even more relevant today as the world grapples with the highest number of people to flee their homes since the end of World War II,” said UNHCR’s Türk. “The concept of sympathy and compassion towards fellow human beings in need is the foundation of every religion including Buddhism. This helps us relate to refugees’ plights with our core values and stand with them at the most difficult time.”

The alignment between Buddhism and humanitarianism gains prominence when endorsed by the respected Thai Buddhist monk, Venerable V. Vajiramedhi.
“Buddhism teaches the six Saraniya Sutta which are conducive to amiability. They consist of the Act of Kindness, Word of Kindness, Thought of Kindness, Equality of Sharing, Equality of Act and Equality of Thought,” said Venerable V.Vajiramedhi. “The six Saraniya Sutta can help the global community to surpass the boundaries of nationality, race and religion to find peace and unity.”
Also on the panel was Thai actress Jamikorn, nicknamed “Pancake”, who follows the teaching of Lord Buddha and actively supports charitable work in Thailand.

“I have been studying Lord Buddha’s teaching with Venerable V. Vajiramedhi for quite a period of time. His teaching lifts our soul and our mind and helps us see  other people with compassion and understanding,” said Pancake. “And when I attended UNHCR’s “Nobody Left Outside” fundraising campaign launch in September, it made me realize that the recent refugee crisis is affects us all. As good Buddhists, we should not turn away from the suffering of refugees but embrace them with help and support.”

With more than 65 million people forced to flee their homes, living in difficulty and needing everyone’s support, UNHCR will continue the dialogue on the role of Buddhism and other faiths in providing international protection for refugees.

More information, please contact 
Thanas Jarulratanamedha (Mint) 02-288-1389