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Tradicionalni avganistanski ples nam je izvela grupa avganistanskih mladića, na obeleležavanju Međunarodnog dana...
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Svečanosti u Kulturni centar REX povodom Međunarodnog dana izbeglica, pridružio se i КУД Крајина koji nam je...
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Povodom Međunarodnog dana izbeglica, održanog u Kulturni centar REX, u gostima nam je bio mešoviti hor u...
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UNHCR Serbia Retweeted
Full house! As a part of Pre-MAPS SDG Analysis Mission 2
#Serbia,yesterday we talked w/ leading#CSOs on their role in#SDGs media may contain sensitive material. Learn moreThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Zajedno sa izbeglicama, partnerima i prijateljima, okupili smo se da obeležimo
#WorldRefugeeDay. Više na:
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Povodom dvogodišnjice rada centra za izbeglice,u Preševu je organizovana izložba fotografija i poseta zvanica. Više:
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UNHCR Serbia Retweeted
How do
#EU Acquis Chapters match w/#SDGs? Our RC Karla Hershey presents key comparison graphic reflecting connections relevant media may contain sensitive material. Learn moreThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
UNHCR Serbia Retweeted
Understanding Linkages & Opportunities 4
#SustDev Linked to#SDGs &#EU Accession conference kicks off w/ media may contain sensitive material. Learn moreThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
UNHCR Serbia Retweeted
"This Corner means a world to us” In Serbia, Women's Corner offers
#womenrefugees a place of their own
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"Danas se zahvaljujemo građanima, Vladi i vlastima Srbije, kao i donatorima i drugim akterima koji omogućavaju da...
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Danas se obeležava Svetski dan izbeglica! Tim povodom, poslušajte poruku našeg Visokog komesara za izbeglice,...
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UNHCR Serbia Retweeted
#WithRefugees, are you? Sign the petition and let's get 5 million signatures to the UN General Assembly
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UNHCR Serbia Retweeted
@antonioguterres :Don't stop the refugees; stop the wars that produce
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"I’ve been plunged into despair but been healed by seeing what we do for each other…"
#WorldRefugeeDay …
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UNHCR Serbia Retweeted
An enormous thank you to
@sesamestreet,@Grover and@PatinkinMandy for this video about helping refugee children!#RefugeeDay …
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UNHCR Serbia Retweeted
Today is World
#RefugeeDay! 3 ways you can join
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Zajedno sa partnerima,izložili smo naše fotografije izbegličkih kriza i pružanja pomoći izbeglicama u centru za izbeglice u Preševu Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
UNHCR Serbia Retweeted
Danas je
#WorldRefugeeDay! Čak 65,5 mil ljudi je neophodna zaštita
#WithRefugees …
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Danas je
#WorldRefugeeDay. Tim povodom, prisustvovali smo dvogodišnjici rada centra za izbeglice u Preševu Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Today marks
#WorldRefugeeDay. Show your support and stand
#WithRefugees …
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