
What is CRRF?

The New York Declaration, which was adopted by all 193 member states of the United Nations in September 2016, sets out the elements of a Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework, and requests UNHCR to engage with States and all relevant stakeholders in its implementation and further development for situations involving large movements of refugees. For more information on the New York Declaration, please visit:

The framework presents a comprehensive response designed to ensure rapid and well-supported reception and admission measures; support for immediate and ongoing needs (e.g. protection, health, education); assistance to national/local institutions and communities receiving refugees; investment in the resilience capacities of refugees and local communities (livelihoods); and, expanded opportunities for durable solutions.

The elements of the CRRF elaborated in the New York Declaration draw on best practices from over 65 years of experience in international refugee protection, humanitarian assistance and the search for solutions. The elements, while comprehensive, are not necessarily exhaustive. For more information on the CRRF, please visit:

What is the global digital portal?

The CRRF Global Digital Portal is designed to support the CRRF’s multi-stakeholder approach by enabling all actors involved in the response to access information on the CRRF in different countries. The CRRF portal fosters greater information-sharing and enhanced coordination among actors, and it encourages engagement of others by laying out where the gaps and needs are and how they can be filled. The tool provides a clearer depiction of what is happening on the ground in countries and regional situations where the CRRF is being applied.
It is:
- An operational tool that is located on a server online (it is not a website)
- A one-stop shop to access information, documents, and contacts relating to CRRF both at global, regional and national level where CRRF is applied
It is designed to:
- Help all stakeholders access relevant and consistent information
- Allow actors on the ground to share information on their activities and,
- Offer a complete picture of the CRRF and its implementation.
- Support governments with their planning.

Who can use it?

More than a mere website, the CRRF Global digital portal is meant to be an operational, interactive tool that allows all partners to add their own content. This means that content will develop with time. It is intended to be used by:
- National and local authorities (host governments)
- UN Agencies and other international organizations
- Humanitarian and development NGOs working on the ground, including NGO consortia
- International financial institutions (ex. the World Bank and the African Development Bank)
- Regional organizations (ex. IGAD)
- The private sector
- Civil society partners, including faith-based organizations and academia

How should it be used?

Partners and stakeholders interested in contributing to the Global Digital Portal will be able to request a user account, allowing them to upload new documents, events and highlights to the different country- and situation-pages.
This feature will be available shortly.

How is it linked to the global compact on refugees?

The New York Declaration specifically requests UNHCR, in consultation with Member States and other relevant stakeholders, to develop and apply the CRRF and, on that basis, assess and further refine it so as to inform a global compact on refugees, which will be presented in the High Commissioner/s report to the General Assembly in 2018. By supporting the CRRF’s multi-stakeholder approach and allowing different kinds of actors to share information and to coordinate their activities, the Global Digital Portal contributes to the implementation of the CRRF and to the harvesting of lessons-learned needed to inform the global compact on refugees. For more information on the global compact on refugees, please visit: