OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa
This regional complement to the 1951 Convention provides for a broader refugee definition. Adopted in 1969, the OAU Convention stipulates that the term “refugee” also “applies to those fleeing from external aggression, occupation, foreign domination or events seriously disturbing public order in either part or whole of the country of origin.”
Objective (RBM term)
A statement of desired results and impacts on the well-being of people of concern that will contribute to bringing about a positive change and achieving the overall goal. The result should be a solution to the problem identified during assessment.
Operational partner
Any organization or agency with which UNHCR collaborates to provide protection and assistance for refugees, or other people of concern to UNHCR, but which does not receive funds from UNHCR to implement activities on its behalf.
Output (RBM term)
A specific deliverable that emerges as a result of a concrete activity aimed at achieving the related objective. It addresses the cause of the identified problem. Outputs should be achieved within a year.