Implementation target (RBM term)
The implementation target indicates the level of achievement that UNHCR plans to reach with the expected level of funds available during the period of implementation. Implementation targets are raised in the event that additional funding becomes available (see also comprehensive target).
Implementing partner
Any organization or agency to which UNHCR delegates responsibility for the implementation of material assistance and provides funds for this purpose through a standard project agreement.
Indicators (RBM term)
Indicators are variables that provide a simple and reliable means to measure gaps and achievements. They are expressed in a form that can be translated into statistics, which may include numbers or percentages. Indicators are used for quantitative data collection that represents a key component of Results-based Management (RBM). They include:
- Impact indicators: variables that facilitate measurement of changes in welfare or behaviour of persons of concern.
- Performance indicators: variables that facilitate measurement of the quantity and quality of delivered outputs in quantifiable terms.TOP
Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)
The IASC is the primary mechanism for inter- agency coordination of humanitarian assistance.
Internally displaced person (IDP)
An individual who has been forced or obliged to flee from his home or place of habitual residence, “…in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflicts, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognized State border” (according to the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement).
International protection
All actions aimed at ensuring the equal access to and enjoyment of the rights of women, men, girls and boys of concern to UNHCR, in accordance with the relevant bodies of law (including international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law).
International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)
International accounting standards for public sector entities adopted by the UN system as per General Assembly resolution (A/RES/60/283 (IV) 1), and applied by UNHCR since January 2012.