Kat Graham meets Hassan’s family

American actress Kat Graham meets Hassan’s family in a refugee camp in Jordan. Hassan’s father tells the story of their flight from Syria.

“We arrived in camp 1 February 2013 after moving inside Syria 3 times. We were at work one day when we received a call the house has fallen on the children. All of the children had been injured by debris and shrapnel.”


Photo by UNHCR/K. Lathigra/2014.

“It was two weeks before we could get them to a field hospital. Due to the lack of medical facilities we had to leave. I never imagined how hard it would be. We walked for hours. It was very cold, dark and swampy. We only had some changes of clothes for the children in the bag but otherwise just what we were wearing. Many people had thrown away bags along the way as it became too hard to carry bags as well as children.


Photo by UNHCR/K. Lathigra/2014.

“Once we arrived in Jordan at the camp reception centre UNHCR gave us a small bag for each individual that contained some food, sleeping mats, mattresses and blankets. Otherwise we would have died from the cold.”


Photo by UNHCR/K. Lathigra/2014.

“We suffered a lot but each and every Syrian family has lost members. The shrapnel in Hassan’s leg caused some paralysis in his toes so it took a couple of months to get him physiotherapy. When we arrived in camp he needed further 6 months physiotherapy and now he can walk fine again, and feel his toes.”


Photo by UNHCR/K. Lathigra/2014.

“All of the kids now go to school but when we first came here my children were still deeply traumatised. My 9 year old daughter would urinate on herself whenever she heard an airplane. They know now that nothing will hurt them here. I’m just hoping that my family remains safe and protected and that we can have a dignified life and I can take care of my family and my nephews and nieces.”


Photo by UNHCR/K. Lathigra/2014.

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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