UNHCR brings relief to desperate Yemenis displaced by war

Vital aid deliveries reach thousands in embattled coastal district of Mokha, where many live out of doors without adequate water or sanitation.

24 Mar 2017

UNHCR warns Mosul situation deteriorating as fighting rages

Around 400,000 people thought to be trapped in the Old City lack food, clean water and fuel to keep themselves warm.

23 Mar 2017

UNHCR seeks equal treatment for all Rohingya in Bangladesh

A small proportion who fled violence decades ago are considered refugees, while many recent arrivals remain undocumented and miss out on vital aid.

20 Mar 2017

Refugee crisis in South Sudan now world's fastest growing

Uganda and regional states are overwhelmed and in critical need of help.

17 Mar 2017

As street fighting rages in Mosul, residents run for safety

Since the operation in western Mosul began last month, over 100,000 residents have fled, with 32,000 in the last week alone.

17 Mar 2017

Displaced Yemenis face dire conditions after latest violence

Renewed fighting has displaced more than 62,000 people in recent weeks, with many facing malnutrition, disease and inadequate shelter.

10 Mar 2017

Greater cooperation needed to protect refugees in Central America, UNHCR says

As more people flee gang violence, UNHCR's international protection chief calls for shared responsibility and preparedness to protect refugees effectively.

10 Mar 2017

Hunger and violence drive residents to flee west Mosul

Latest wave of displaced Iraqis say food shortages and intense fighting in the west of the city forced them to risk everything to seek safety.

7 Mar 2017

Once blossoming Syrian town now scarred by war

Residents of Qara once lived from their cherry orchards. But as the Syria conflict nears its sixth agonizing anniversary, they have lost their livelihood, savings and hope.

3 Mar 2017