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Should the funds raised exceed the amount required to meet the immediate and longer term needs of the people in the affected areas, Australia for UNHCR will direct donations to our Emergency Programs for Refugees to enable us to rapidly address future emergencies as they occur.

We're all in this together, striving to help and protect refugees. 

Thanks to your generous donations, UNHCR are on the ground helping refugees from the second an emergency hits right until each refugee is able to build a new life, back home or in a new community. Your support makes this possible.

Give your gift to help UNHCR staff members continue to support people forced to flee their homes.

World Humanitarian Day 2017 / Not a Target

Raphael says his passion for helping vulnerable people is what inspired him to join the UNHCR team. Raphael works as a Child Protection Officer, helping to make sure refugee children are safe at Dzaleka refugee camp in Malawi. © UNHCR/Tina Ghelli










can provide an Emergency Assistance Package to give a family the essentials for survival and shelter

can sink a well, providing safe drinking water for refugee families in a camp

can provide blankets for 120 refugees, protecting them in cold, harsh climates










can buy 5 jerry cans to help refugee families carry and store clean drinking water

can save up to 40 lives by providing 20 mother and baby clean birthing kits.

can save up to 50 lives by providing desperately needed malaria treatments.


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