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Number of results: 1384

  • Le spectre de la fragmentation de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et de la recolonisation du Sahel

    news Le Monde, 21 Jul 2017 (2 months ago )
    <i>L’économiste Gilles Olakounlé Yabi analyse et s’inquiète de l’ampleur de la présence militaire et sécuritaire franco-européenne dans l’espace sahélien.</i> De nombreuses voix africaines ont réagi aux propos du président français Emmanuel Macron tenus au terme du sommet du G20 en Allemagne. Sel...
  • Children tune in for radio lessons in Boko Haram-hit Lake Chad region

    news Reuters, 18 Jul 2017 (2 months ago )
    By Kieran Guilbert DAKAR, July 18 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Denied an education by the Islamist insurgency of militant group Boko Haram, tens of thousands of children across the Lake Chad region are instead tuning into lessons broadcast over the radio, the United Nations children's agency (U...
  • The forgotten crisis: Supporting families in the Lake Chad Basin

    news ShelterBox, 14 Jul 2017 (2 months ago )
    LAKE CHAD BASIN Violent conflict, caused by the militant extremist group Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria, has been raging since 2009. The violence has since spread to the neighbouring border regions of Cameroon, Niger and Chad, directly affecting around 17 million people. In addition, this area...
  • Shining a light on the ‘neglected’ humanitarian crisis in Lake Chad

    news International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 14 Jul 2017 (2 months ago )
    ICRC joins UK MPs in call for urgent action With over 11 million people now affected by the ongoing crisis in four countries of the Lake Chad basin (Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Cameroon), the ICRC addressed the All-Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group (PHRG) in the Houses of Parliament this week. ...
  • UN envoy calls on Security Council to further support fight against terrorism in West Africa, Sahel

    news UN News Centre, 13 Jul 2017 (2 months ago )
    13 July 2017 – Amid rising terrorism and violent extremism in West Africa and the United Nations envoy for the region called on the Security Council to further support national and Regional efforts to combat this "serious threat", including strengthening the UN Integrated Strategy for the Sahel. ...
  • With Boko Haram Threat Receding, Nigeria Allows Fishing to Resume in Lake Chad

    news Voice of America (VOA), 11 Jul 2017 (2 months ago )
    MAIDUGURI, NIGERIA/WASHINGNTON — Three years ago, at the peak of the Boko Haram insurgency, Nigerian soldiers stopped all fishing activities in the country's section of Lake Chad. Militants had infiltrated the ranks of the fishermen, the army said, and were using the guise to fund arms purchases a...
  • Limited Access to Education, Rapid Population Growth ‘Powerful Illustrations’ of Challenges Facing Lake Chad Basin, Sahel, Says Deputy Secre...

    news United Nations, 11 Jul 2017 (2 months ago )
    DSG/SM/1072-POP/1065 Deputy Secretary-General Following are UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed's remarks, as prepared for delivery, on the Lake Chad Basin and Sahel at the Family Planning Summit, in London today: The Sahel and the Lake Chad Basin regions face similar interconnected ...
  • Deputy UN chief highlights stronger AU-UN partnership to benefit Africa's youth

    news UN News Centre, 03 Jul 2017 (2 months ago )
    3 July 2017 – Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed today called for strengthening the relationship between the African Union (AU) and the United Nations to deliver on promised development for Africa's youth. Addressing her first African Union Summit since taking office, Ms. Mohammed said that ...
  • Rainy season brings disease to Lake Chad Crisis

    news Reliefweb, 03 Jul 2017 (2 months ago )
    Nigeria, Niger and Chad face the risk of a disease outbreak as the rainy season starts in the Lake Chad Basin. 2.4 million people are already displaced due to the ongoing conflict with Boko Haram and the military operations to counter them, and the rains are set to make the humanitarian situation ev...
  • UNHCR Press Release

    news UNHCR, 29 Jun 2017 (3 months ago )
    Involuntary refugee returns to Nigeria must be avoided - UNHCR   UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is alarmed over a fresh incident of forced returns of refugees from Cameroon into northeast Nigeria. This follows similar incidents earlier in the year, and more recently, repeated warnings that refugees ...