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Amnesty International
Amnesty International campaigns globally for human rights for all.
Amnesty International campaigns globally for human rights for all.


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"We all have some experience of injustice at some point in our lives, and it’s not something we would want others to endure. Wherever we go, we should ask if people are being treated with dignity irrespective of their identities or beliefs."
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Armed opposition groups do NOT have licence to flout international humanitarian law.
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"I'd rather risk my life, because if I stay here, I'll be killed." Central America's hidden refugee crisis is claiming thousands of lives:
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Learn how to defend and promote the rights of refugees by signing up to our short course. It’s free for everyone, everywhere! edX
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GOOD NEWS! Women in Poland made history this week by forcing a U-turn on a proposed abortion ban.
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The new Apple #iPhone7 launches today! We’d love it more if Apple could tell us if it contains child labour:
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"Invasive and discriminatory measures such as these restrict women’s choices, violate their rights and lead to abuse."
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Salwa is stuck in Softex camp with three of her children and her husband, who cannot walk because of a slipped disc. She is scared of the fights that take place daily. Europe must share the responsibility for offering protection to these refugees but right now, Greece must urgently address the inhumane conditions for refugees it is hosting: #MessagesFromGreece
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"It’s not an easy time for activists but we need to remind ourselves when we feel down or defeated that many people around the world commit to making change and progress in society. It’s not the time for us to give up"
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