Angelina Jolie on UNHCR Missions

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie in the Roma quarter of Mitrovica, Kosovo, where she met Croatian refugees, minorities and mixed communities (April 2003) © UNHCR/M.N.Little

Angelina Jolie sits and speaks with Sudanese women who have just crossed the border into Tine, Chad, after fleeing fighting in the Darfur region of Sudan. (June 2004) ©UNHCR/E.Parsons

Angelina Jolie joining in educational and vocational training projects in north-west Cambodia. (November 2001) ©UNHCR/K.Grant

Angelina Jolie and actor Brad Pitt meet a Colombian refugee family in San Jose, Costa Rica, on 25 December. The two spent Christmas Day with Colombian refugees in the Costa Rican capital.(December 2006) © UNHCR/B.Heger

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie talks with a Palestinian refugee child in Al Waleed camp, Iraq. Some 1,300 Palestinians are trapped at the makeshift Al Waleed camp inside Iraq, unable to leave the country for neighbouring Syria.

Angelina Jolie talking with refugee children in Kakuma camp, Kenya. Over 50% of refugees are under eighteen. (October 2002) ©UNHCR/M.Furrer

A warm welcome for UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie at Kakuma camp in Kenya. (October 2002) ©UNHCR/M.Furrer

Woman in this village in Jabel Sharoon 6,000 feet above sea level in Pakistan-administered Kashmir tells a UNHCR worker about her preparations for the coming winter. This includes salvaging materials from the remains of houses after the earthquake.

Angelina Jolie jokes with Afghan children in the refugee camp of Katcha Ghari on the edge of the Pakistani city of Peshawar. (May 2005) ©UNHCR/J.Redden

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie with displaced Chechens in Bella camp, Ingushetia, the Russian Federation. The camp has since been closed. (August 2003) © UNHCR/T.Makeeva

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie with displaced Chechens at the Rassvet temporary settlement in Ingushetia, the Russian Federation. (August 2003) ©UNHCR/T.Makeeva

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie meeting with girls displaced by war at Gurukulum Orphanage. There are thousands of orphans in the Jaffna area alone. Sri Lanka (April 2003) ©UNHCR/L.Taylor

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie in crafts workshop with young refugee women, among the thousands of victims of persecution, violence and war in Sierra Leone. (February 2001) ©UNHCR/L.Taylor

Western Darfur, from El Geneina to Habila 'When asking the children their needs they discussed first their fears. Before clothes and food" (October 2004) ©UNHCR/R.Ek

Angelina Jolie chats with Red Crescent volunteers who are taking care of refugee children while their parents wait to register as refugees at a UNHCR registration centre in Damascus, Syria.

An elderly refugee, one of some 1,300 trapped at the makeshift Al Waleed camp inside Iraq, unable to leave the country for neighboring Syria.

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie inside convoy truck with Congolese refugees just arriving in Tanzania. In recent years the country has been hosting nearly one million victims of persecution and war. (March 2003) ©UNHCR/N.Behring-Chisholm

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie shares a laugh with Karenni refugee children in Ban Mai Nai Soi camp in northern Thailand during a one-day visit. (February 2009) ©UNHCR/K.McKinsey