Rachel and Andrew Musgrove ran with Team UNHCR in the City2Surf last year, pushing their baby along in a pram. 

The couple see their shared commitment to humanitarian issues as an important part of their relationship. The plight of refugees is "an issue that really pulls at our heartstrings. When you see what these families go through, how can you not want to help?”

What motivated you to support Australia for UNHCR?

Rachel: For our honeymoon, we travelled to Cambodia and saw, for the first time, the impact that violence and conflict has on people’s lives. Later, we met Australia for UNHCR fundraisers in a shopping centre. We didn’t commit to donating on the spot but decided to go home and research UNHCR.

Andrew: We saw that UNHCR is such an effective organisation. They are always first out with the tents, but their effectiveness goes beyond just aid delivery. I also wanted to support the work they do reuniting and protecting displaced families.                    

Is your shared interest in humanitarian issues something you bond over?

Rachel: Yes, every couple has shared values, and this is something that has brought us closer.

Andrew: In years to come, we will share the story of our first family City2Surf with our daughter, and tell her that we did it together as a family because it was important to us – and she beat us simply by being pushed in the pram!


Rachel and Andrew Musgrove

What was it like running the City2Surf with Team UNHCR? How did you train and how did you fundraise?

Rachel: I’d had my baby girl only four months before the run and my doctor’s approval to take part came through at the last minute. So we planned a route around home with a big hill in it, which we ran several times with the pram.

Andrew: On the day we moved so much faster than we expected - the adrenaline just kicked in. We didn’t have a lot of time to fundraise, so we put out a message over social media and told our friends and family.

Rachel: We didn’t want to win, just start on time! With our first baby, our lives have been completely changed. We had to factor in time to get ready and catch the bus with the pram. Just making it to the starting line made us feel like winners!

What would you say to others about supporting Australia for UNHCR?

Andrew: UNHCR was one of the first humanitarian aid organisations on the ground in Nepal, and that inspires such confidence. When you donate to Australia for UNHCR, you’re getting behind an effective organisation that makes an impact.

Rachel: I liked the Oscar Wilde quote that someone put on my City2Surf fundraising page: “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”  I cannot comprehend living without the basics: shelter, safety for yourself and your children, food and water. I look at what UNHCR achieves under difficult circumstances and I feel confident that my money is reaching those in need.

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