Angélie Ng's Donor Story

Ten-year-old Angélie is passionate about school, swimming and learning new things. Talking with her parents one day, she asked about the children in the world who don’t have access to an education like hers.

“During this conversation, they told me about the refugee situation. The next day we did some research on refugee children. I learned that millions of children don’t have access to primary school, especially in countries affected by conflict. As I read more about the issue, I decided that I was going to do a fundraiser.”

As a talented swimmer, Angélie set herself the challenge of seeing how many laps she could swim in one hour.

“Think about all those people who had to flee their homes and live in refugee camps because of conflict in their country,” wrote Angélie on her fundraising page. “How would you feel if you were one of them? Would you appreciate the people who donated money to help you? I certainly would.”

Original artwork by Angélie Ng

Angélie Ng, Australia for UNCHR Donor

Angélie initially aimed to raise $2,000, and then upped it as more and more friends and relatives pitched in, bringing in a total of $3,176. On the day of her swim, she was so motivated by the support she had received that she achieved a new personal best – 82 laps in one hour.

“I made a little pattern which was two laps of freestyle, two laps backstroke and two laps of breaststroke. It helped me keep track of my progress. I have been amazed by how quickly friends and family supported me and this cause.” 

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