Alex Kühni, Photojournalist

Photo by Alex Kühni/2013.

Photo by Alex Kühni/2013.

Tripoli, Lebanon – February 2013

I stood on the beach that lay on the outskirts of Tripoli, the second largest Lebanese city. The already hot February air was mixed with the sound of crashing waves and the sporadic chatter of automatic gunfire in the distance. Curiously, those two boys approached me and gave a rather surprising introduction: “We are men of business.”  Their business was selling burned CDs of arab rock music. In the short conversation which sealed the sale, I figured out that they were refugees from Syria who found themselves and their families in another conflicted and troubled country. The scars on their faces act as a reminder of the brutal civil war they escaped. Their will to hope for a better life is still what impresses me to this day.

By Alex Kühni, Photojournalist, Switzerland



1 family torn apart by war is too many

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