The forums are place to talk, share, and learn. You can get help, suggest ways to improve Vimeo, and engage in all kinds of sparkling conversation. As long as you treat others how you’d like to be treated, you’ll fit in great. If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, please visit the Help Center.
Help 67K topics
Report bugs and get answers to your burning questions.
Feature Requests 8,106 topics
What would you add to or change about Vimeo?
API 4,250 topics
Discuss the development of our API.
Cameras and Editing 5,362 topics
Get advice on equipment and editing software.
Screening Room 1,695 topics
Show off your videos.
Festivals and Contests 2,824 topics
Opportunities for recognition.
Wanted and Offered 6,173 topics
Need music, crew, equipment?
Important Forum Rules
- Be nice. Even if you disagree with someone, keep it civil.
- Stay on topic. If it’s not relevant, leave it out or start a new thread.
- Don’t Spam. Re-re-re-re-posts drive us crazy.
- Respect the Staff. We were members once, just like you.