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Contest for Students devoted to the World Refugee Day

In the framework of the World Refugee Day which is celebrated on 20 June, the Regional Representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for Central Asia announces:


Students are encouraged to write an essay in English language on one of the following topics:

1. One refugee returned to danger is too many. Why?    
2. What does the concept of asylum entail and how is it important nowadays?

Please send your essay only in English to kazal@unhcr.org or submit a hard copy to UNHCR office in Almaty.

The winners of the contest will be awarded:
1st place –internship with the UNHCR Almaty office;
2nd and 3d places – books and souvenirs with UNHCR branding.

For information on UNHCR please visit:
UNHCR Public site: www.unhcr.org
UNHCR site for Kazakhstan: www.unhcr.kz

A deadline for submission of the essays is 5 June 2015.

The Regional Representation  of the UNHCR for Central Asia
Tole bi, 67, Almaty, Теl: (8 727) 258 80 49/258 17 79.
