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110 stateless people received their Kyrgyz passports due to UNHCR Campaign

Kyrgyzstan - On 22-23 December 2009 the authorities of Batken, Osh and Jalalabad province handed over Kyrgyz passports to 110 former stateless persons. People received their Kyrgyz passports within the nation-wide campaign on reduction and prevention of statelessness organized by the UNHCR jointly with Passport and Visa Department of the Kyrgyz Republic. "We are very happy today, we were waiting for these passports for a long time, now we will be able to travel, register our property and enjoy all rights as any other citizens of this country", said Melikhan Shamsidinova resident of Batken oblast, after receiving her new national passport.

The problem of statelessness is very important for the countries of former Soviet Union. According to UNHCR-sponsored surveys there are around 13,000 stateless persons in four Kyrgyz' provinces. The true number of affected persons nation-wide might be up to 40,000, a majority of which are children and women. At the same time, many of them have a close connection to the Kyrgyz Republic, they were born on its territory, lived here for many years or are married to a Kyrgyz citizen. The main issue that these people lack access to some of the most basic rights and UNHCR has been working with the Kyrgyz authorities to find a solution to the problem.

"Lacking proper documentation means that they are unable to participate in elections or travel abroad and face difficulties when receiving pensions or registering marriages, births and property." said Akylbek Tashbulatov, director of NGO "Centre for International Protection".
On 22 September 2009, a National High Level Roundtable, co-chaired by the Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Representation of UNHCR, adopted a comprehensive but concrete National Action Plan for the Reduction and Prevention of Statelessness. As a first step in supporting implementation of this Action Plan, UNHCR with the help of partners launched a communication campaign aimed at reaching all holders of Soviet passports who have resided in the Kyrgyz Republic for more than five years and therefore have the right to acquire Kyrgyz passports. In addition to radio broadcasts, leaflets, brochures and other materials were developed and disseminated for increasing awareness about statelessness. "We hope that by the end of 2010, all holders of Soviet passports will have received Kyrgyz identity documents," explains Mahir Safarli, head of UNHCR's field office in Osh. "Next year we will expand our campaign to other groups of stateless persons."

Strongly supported by the President, Government, Parliament, local authorities, NGOs and also the UN Country Team in Kyrgyzstan, UNHCR is currently raising funds to continue its strong support to the implementation of the National Action Plan. A successful implementation of the Action Plan will not only greatly diminish the number of stateless persons in Kyrgyzstan but also improve the country's legal and administrative framework to manage citizenship with a view to preventing new cases of statelessness. "This is not only important to safeguard the enjoyment of basic human rights for several thousand families but also to further social justice, social cohesion and thus strong economic development in many rural communities throughout the country" explained the Representative of UNHCR in the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr. Hans Friedrich Schodder. Ultimately it will also allow the Kyrgyz Republic to join other States in becoming party to the 1954 and 1961 UN Statelessness Conventions.

