Give refugees an education and a brighter future

Half of the world’s refugees are children, many of whom will spend their entire childhood in exile. It is vital that they receive the schooling they need to realise their potential. Meanwhile, older refugees need education and vocational training to help them contribute to their societies post-conflict.

UNHCR works to give refugees access to schools and skills training, with Australia for UNHCR funding some of these projects directly. This includes building and refurbishing classrooms; purchasing desks, equipment and stationery; providing teacher support; and improving access for girls and disabled students.

Your donations action

A young refugee studies in a computer centre in Uganda that was funded by Australia for UNHCR

Students at the Angelina Jolie Primary School in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya

Afghani refugee Aqeela Asifi won UNHCR’s 2015 Nansen Award for her work in girls’ education

Maratane refugee camp primary school in Mozambique, the only facility for the camp’s 2,000 children

Get the facts about our impact

Education Education Education
Technology Technology Technology
Safe Places Safe Places Safe Places

Providing Education

Education is a crucial part of refugee relief, even in emergencies. School provides a safe and stable environment for children, restoring their sense of normality and routine, and allowing them to receive important health and safety messages. Education also helps people rebuild their communities and pursue productive, meaningful lives. Where refugees live in the community, UNHCR negotiates with governments to allow them access to local schools. In refugee camps, UNHCR promotes education for children and adults, operating schools and vocational training programs.

Providing Technology

UNHCR’s innovation unit makes use of new technologies to improve services for refugees, both in emergency situations and as part of ongoing support. These projects include leveraging social media platforms to help refugees stay connected with each other and with service providers. They include solar power initiatives to increase energy efficiency in camps and the implementation of modern agriculture techniques to improve farming yields.

Providing Safe Places

UNHCR operates safe spaces for the most vulnerable refugees. Children travelling alone are given special support and safe accommodation while UNHCR staff search for their relatives or carers. Throughout Europe, UNHCR works with UNICEF to operate ‘blue dot’ hubs for child and family support, providing child services, play areas and counselling. For displaced girls, safe spaces in refugee camps are essential for preventing abuse and exploitation. LGBTI refugees are also offered safe spaces to protect them from harm and discrimination.

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