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Regional Representative meets with the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic

On July 31, 2012 Mr. Saber Azam, Regional Representative/Regional Coordinator of UNHCR for Central Asia, accompanied by Mr. Johann Siffointe, UNHRC Representative in the Kyrgyz Republic met with Mr. Omurbek Babanov, Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Prime Minister expressed gratitude to UNHCR for its cooperation, long- term support and help to Kyrgyzstan. The two sides discussed regional humanitarian challenges, prevention and reduction of statelessness and support of UN [and UNHCR in particular] to peace-building efforts in the country.

"The Government appreciates support of UNHCR for implementation of the integration programs for refugees, the main aim of which are solving the problems of citizenship, employment, education and medical services. Our country is aiming at meeting international standards. We are also very grateful for the support and help provided by UNHCR during the tragic events in June 2010" - underlined Prime Minister (quoted from: http://www.gov.kg/?p=13522)

The Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic stressed on the necessity of UNHCR's support for development of joint recommendations aimed at providing help and support to ethnic Kyrgyz nationals, residing in the lower and upper Pamir areas of Afghanistan. He also asked UNHCR to provide support for improving of registration systems in the country.
Mr. Azam assured Mr Babanov of UNHCR's support in providing the government with a registration data base that can also be customized in the nearest future. He also underlined that UNHCR will provide technical and financial support if the government undertakes registration of all persons without documents on the territory of the country, noting that accession to the 1954 and 1961 Statelessness Conventions was one if the important steps in this direction.

"Accession to the international Conventions on statelessness is a vital steps from the point of view of respecting the human rights and ensuring national security. Success of any project discussed today depends very much on the level of cooperation between the Government and UNHCR. I would like to express my gratitude to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and I am sure that the high level of cooperation will even be strengthened further in the future" - underlined Mr. Azam.

(Photo provided by ©) Press-service of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic)

