Soaked and hungry Rohingya refugees seek shelter in Bangladesh

An estimated 313,000 men, women and children fleeing violence in Myanmar overwhelm relief capacity in Bangladesh.

11 Sep 2017

Displaced children tell of suffering in DRC's Kasai

UNHCR estimates that 1.4 million people have been displaced as a result of conflict in the previously peaceful region.

8 Sep 2017

Rohingya take to the sea in search of safety in Bangladesh

An estimated 164,000 men, women and children have fled violence in Myanmar's northern Rakhine state in the past two weeks, many in fishing boats.

7 Sep 2017

Voices from the ground: Rohingya refugees flee to Bangladesh

UNHCR spokesperson Vivian Tan describes the desperation of refugees escaping violence in Myanmar.

6 Sep 2017

UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award runners-up transform lives

Between them, those shortlisted for this year's prestigious humanitarian award have helped thousands uprooted from their homes and forced to flee.

6 Sep 2017

Kate Daudy

London-based artist Kate Daudy's 'Am I My Brother's Keeper' began life as a UNHCR refugee tent. Now it has toured the UK, bringing its message of hope to people across the country.

4 Sep 2017

Shelter urgently needed for Rohingya fleeing Myanmar violence

Officials warn of 'true crisis' as an estimated 73,000 Rohingya seek safety in already strained Bangladesh refugee camps.

4 Sep 2017

Costa Rica gives refugees opportunities to succeed

UN Refugee Chief Filippo Grandi highlights the government's efforts to give those fleeing conflict and persecution a chance at productive lives.

3 Sep 2017

High Commissioner's message on the occasion of Eid Al Adha

1 Sep 2017