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Courage and contribution of refugee women honored at the International Women’s Day

On the International Women Day, Munara Rakhmani, a refugee woman from Afghanistan, is proud to tell her story of courage and resilience. She was only ten years old when she came with her parents to Kazakhstan, in 1998. Being persecuted by Taliban in Afghanistan, it took them seven days to escape to Pakistan, where they lived for several months.
“We had to walk the whole way, and since my brothers were too young, we had to carry them during the whole trip. We had nothing to drink and eat, but we were sure that it was the only way to save our lives” – says Munira in tears.

After murder of her grandfather by Taliban in Pakistan, they decided to come to Kazakhstan. They came to Kazakhstan in 1998, and were recognized as  refugees. Munira had to overcome many difficulties in the country of asylum to become a successfully integrated member of the society, as she feels today.

“My first difficulty was to overcome language barrier in the school. When I came there, I did not understand a word. I had to learn alphabets in the fifth grade. My first year in the school was a nightmare, but I overcame it. My farther  always told me that even if I have to eat just a piece of bread, my focus and priority should be on learning as it is my future” – says Munira.

After graduation of the school, she was trying hard to enter the medical university. Having refugee status, she was not able to enter university for free. “The payment was so high for the university, that I entered medical college, where the prices were much lower. I did not want to be a burden for my parents, so I started working by selling newspapers and doing any other odd jobs just to pay for copying books, travel and other student expenses” – her comments about integration in the country.

 After medical college, she entered medical university, and started to work for free in different dental clinics in the city. She was so committed to the profession and ambitious to become a highly qualified dentist, that she was working for free for a long time. Today she is working for one of the leading dental clinics in Almaty, and underlines how grateful she is to the people, to the country, who accepted her and her family, allowed to receive education, and become a professional.

“We have a lot of examples of refugees, and women in particular, who contribute to the development of the country, helping the society as doctors, teachers, and in other professions. When given a chance, refugees are looking forward to contributing to the development of the society” – says Eduardo Yrezabal, UNHCR Deputy Regional Representative.

“Today I am successful and I dreaming to become a highly qualified dentist, apply for the citizenship of Kazakhstan, and want my children to be citizens of this country. It became my second Motherland, and even I had to overcome a lot, I am grateful to all the people, who helped me through this long and difficult way to sustainability” – concludes Munira.

UNHCR with the help if its partner, Kazakhstan Red Crescent Society, is helping refugees in local integration for more than 20 years. Paying special attention to women, currently, they are providing financial help to 72 women and supporting 112 women in receiving medical on regular basis. Refugee women are receiving trainings on HIV/AIDS, reproductive help, and gender equality four times a year.  Another UNHCR partner, International Association for Social Programs, conducts vocational trainings for refugees,  which help refugee women to find employment and become more sustainable.  

International Women’ day is a day of tribute to women all over the world, and resilience of most vulnerable - refugee women.
