Rights and obligations

As an applicant of international protection in Turkey, you have rights as well as obligations. You are required to obey the laws of Turkey. You are required under Turkish law to register yourself with the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management (PDMM) of the city that you have been referred to.

Turkey’s Law on Foreigners and International Protection (LFIP) brings obligations to you as an international protection applicant. You may have to stay or reside in the designated reception and accommodation centres or in a province determined by the authorities, and you have to report your residence to the authorities as requested.

During the registration with the authorities, you will be informed about the procedures and obligations that you need to follow. Your application for international protection will be considered withdrawn if:

  • You do not attend your interview for three consecutive times without any valid justification,
  • You do not comply with the reporting duties for three consecutive times without any valid justification,
  • You do not go to the satellite city assigned to you,
  • You leave your satellite city without permission from the provincial authorities,
  • You object that authorities take your individual data,
  • You fail to fulfil your obligations at the registration and interview stages.

The LFIP states that your rights may be restricted if you do not abide by the obligations and if your international protection application has been refused by DGMM.

However, be aware that your rights to access education and health care are not restricted by your fulfilment of the obligations. If you have difficulties in accessing education and health care, you can inform UNHCR and its partners.