Support displaced families in urgent need of clean water, sanitation and healthcare

UNHCR facilitates access to basic healthcare for refugees through camp clinics and local healthcare providers. Priority health services include emergency medical care for those who have suffered violence, reproductive services and treatment for infants and the elderly.

UNHCR also coordinates immunisation programs to prevent the spread of diseases in crowded refugee settings.

Water and Sanitation upgrades in Chad

Your donations in action

A Congolese woman holds her day-old baby in the maternity ward at the Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya

Children are vaccinated against polio in Za’atri refugee camp, Jordan

Australia for UNHCR has funded water and sanitation upgrades in four refugee camps in eastern Chad

A mother feeds her child therapeutic foods at a refugee health clinic in Gambella, Ethiopia

Get the facts about our impact

Medicine Medicine Medicine
Education Education Education
Water Water Water
Registration Registration Registration

Providing Medication

UNHCR facilitates access to basic healthcare for refugees through camp clinics and local healthcare providers. Priority health services include emergency medical care for those who have suffered violence, reproductive services and treatment for infants and the elderly. UNHCR also coordinates immunisation programs to prevent the spread of diseases in crowded refugee settings.

Providing Education

Education is a crucial part of refugee relief, even in emergencies. School provides a safe and stable environment for children, restoring their sense of normality and routine, and allowing them to receive important health and safety messages. Education also helps people rebuild their communities and pursue productive, meaningful lives. Where refugees live in the community, UNHCR negotiates with governments to allow them access to local schools. In refugee camps, UNHCR promotes education for children and adults, operating schools and vocational training programs.

Providing Water

When people flee their homes, they often struggle to safely and easily access adequate water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, endangering their health. UNHCR provides extensive infrastructure in refugee camps – wells, pumps, tap-stands and latrines – to meet refugees’ water needs and prevent disease. The water containers we provide as part of our basic survival kit enable displaced families to fetch and store clean water.


Registration is central to UNHCR’s work. The number of people requiring protection and assistance determines the quantities of food, water and other material assistance needed, as well as the extent of shelter, health and sanitation facilities. Registration is important for identifying individuals who are at risk or have special needs, allowing them to access to vital services.

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