Centar za mir, nenasilje i ljudska prava Osijek

Centar za mir nenasilje i ljudska prava Osijek je nevladina organizacija usmjerena na izgradnju mira, zaštitu i promicanje ljudskih prava i sloboda te na promicanje kreativnih metoda rješavanja sukoba na individualnoj, grupnoj i političkoj razini. Od 1995. Centar za mir aktivno sudjeluje u procesu povratka i reintegracije izbjeglica i povratnika. Od 1. siječnja 1998. ove njegove aktivnosti financira UNHCR što Centar za mir čini dugoročnim provedbenim partnerom UNHCR-a koji pruža pravne savjete i pomoć izbjeglicama, povratnicima i raseljenim osobama u vezi njihove repatrijacije ili lokalne integracije.

Praćenje Programa stambenog zbrinjavanja u hrvatskom Podunavlju je projekt koji podržava UNHCR, a koji provodi Centar za mir s glavnim ciljem pridonošenja razvoju demokratskog društva u kojem se poštuju ljudska i građanska prava, posebno prava izbjeglica, povratnika i raseljenih osoba. U sklopu glavnih projektnih aktivnosti, Centar za mir prati i na terenu provjerava provedbu državnog programa stambenog zbrinjavanja na i izvan područja posebne državne skrbi u hrvatskom Podunavlju. Centar za mir također pruža besplatnu pravnu pomoć ciljanom stanovništvu i drugim ugroženim skupinama.


Glavni ured/Pravni centar:

Trg Augusta Šenoe 1, Osijek
Glavni ured, tel : +385 31 206 886, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pravni centar, tel/fax: +385 31 206 887, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Za stranke: od ponedjeljka do petka, 9:00-13:00


Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights Osijek (Centar za mir nenasilje i ljudska prava Osijek) is a non-governmental organisation focused on the building of peace, protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms, and on the promotion of creative methods of conflict resolution at the individual, group, and political level. Since 1995 CPO is actively involved in the process of return and reintegration of refugees and returnees. Since 1 January 1998 these activities have been funded by UNHCR what makes CPO is a long-term UNHCR implementing partner which provides legal advice and assistance to refugees, returnees and IDPs concerning their repatriation or local integration.

Monitoring of the Housing Care Programme in the Croatian Danube Region is a UNHCR supported project implemented by CPO with the main goal to contribute towards development of democratic society in which human and civil rights, particularly rights of refugees, returnees and displaced persons are respected. As main project activities, the CPO monitors and field-checks the implementation of the Government of Croatia Housing Care Programme inside and outside the Areas of Special State Concern in the Croatian Danube Region. CPO also provides free legal aid to target population and other vulnerable groups.

Contact information:

Main Office/ Legal Centre:

Trg Augusta Šenoe 1, Osijek
Main office contact: Tel: +385 (0)31-206-886, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Legal Centre contact: Tel/fax: +385 (0)31-206-887, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
With beneficiaries: Monday to Friday 09:00-13:00

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