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Reaching Out to Youth

 In efforts to encourage youth and the younger population to understand more about refugees globally, UNHCR Representation in Tajikistan decided to reach out to educational institutions, who are grooming new generations of specialists in the field of jurisprudence, international law and international relations.

 Running up to the 2017 World Refugee Day, UNHCR conducted two lectures, on June 7 and 8 respectively, entitled “Introduction to Refugee Law and Protection: Global and National Perspectives” for the students of the Russian-Tajik Slavonic University and the Tajik National University. Following the global #WithRefugees Campaign, the lectures were aimed at creating solidarity amongst students with refugees, while encouraging discussions around the issue, especially as it concerns Tajikistan’s own commitment to refugee protection.

 Around 160 law students and the students from the faculty of international relations attended the events at both universities. During the lectures, UNHCR Protection team introduced the basics of international refugee law and refugee protection as well as the global outlook in international law and socio-political issues affecting the world today. National aspects of asylum system and legislation, as well as addressing statelessness were also presented to the audience. The students then took the opportunity to pose a number of questions and discuss issues of interest with the lecturers.

 According to one of the lecturers, Mr. Batyr Sapbiyev, UNHCR Protection Officer;

 “The lectures allowed the students to learn about the challenges refugees and other displaced persons encounter and their resilience to overcome those difficulties. The students were enthusiastic to learn about the present situation of refugees in the world, reasons for their flight and efforts of international community to welcome refugees and provide them a safe haven.”

 At the end of the lectures the students received the Convention and Protocol relating to the status of refugees and many other publications for further reading.  The lectures concluded with a rousing joint photo session to pass on the key message of the campaign “We Stand Together #WithRefugees”. A second year law student from the Russian-Tajik Slavonic University was grateful to have participated in the lecture noting that it had been interesting to understand the global dynamics surrounding refugees. The student also felt that refugees in Tajikistan could be supported to access business opportunities and higher education.

 In 2017, UNHCR will continue its #WithRefugees Campaign to raise awareness on the plight of refugees globally and encourage Governments and people to support refugees wherever they are. Tajikistan has a long history in providing asylum to refugees, having signed the 1951 Refugee Convention and adopting its own national Law on Refugees. To date, Tajikistan has welcomed and hosted around 2,700 refugees and asylum seekers in the country. UNHCR would like to extend its gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan and the administration of both universities for their interest and support in organizing of the said lectures.

