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Refugee athletes compete for first time at Asian Games

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Sharara dreams to become a doctor to help others
Each day war forces thousands of families to flee their homes. People like you, people like me.

Lido, a refugee in Tajikistan, dreams to become a famous architect
“I consider Tajikistan my home- I was born here, I grew up here. I hope that I can be granted citizenship one day and contribute to the development and construction of a modern Tajikistan”.

With 1 human in every 113 affected, forced displacement hits record high
Conflict and persecution caused global forced displacement to escalate sharply in 2015, reaching the highest level ever recorded and representing immense human suffering, according to a report released today by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.

Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Kazakhstan invites professional and nonprofessional photographers in Kazakhstan to participate in this photo contest.

Youth of Kyrgyzstan deepen their knowledge on Refugees’ Rights
The UN Refugee Agency in cooperation with nine universities in Kyrgyzstan organized a debate competition “Equal Rights Cup”

UNHCR and UNICEF launch joint program on livelihood for young refugees in Kyrgyzstan
UNHCR and UNICEF launch this week a joint program to support young refugees to find work opportunities in the Kyrgyz Republic. The program is the first in a series of UNHCR’s activities this year to promote the integration of refugees residing in the country.

Statelessness Eradication Begins in Issyk-Kul
UUNHCR and the State Registration Service of the Kyrgyz Republic launched this week six field teams in Issyk-Kul oblast in joint efforts to reduce statelessness in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Kyrgyzstan Updates National Action Plan on Statelessness Eradication
UNHCR and the State Registration Service of the Kyrgyz Republic held today the Sixth High-Level Steering Meeting on Reduction and Prevention of Statelessness in the Kyrgyz Republic. Government officials, representatives of civil society and experts reviewed progress on the implementation of the National Action Plan on Reduction and Prevention of Statelessness in the Kyrgyz Republic and agreed on the next steps to end statelessness.

Kyrgyzstan updates сontingency plan in case of refugee influx
UNHCR and the Ministry of Emergency Situations jointly convened today the 4th High level Working Group meeting to update the Contingency Plan for refugees.

Aga Khan visits UNHCR headquarters to discuss enhanced cooperation
His Highness Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini, Aga Khan IV, visited UNHCR headquarters today to meet UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres and discuss past and future cooperation in emergency operations around the world.

True or false? Refugees are those who left their countries for work?

Statelessness: Between Heaven and Earth

For the Central Asian countries, statelessness remains a challenge

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Border Management in Protection of Refugees and Migrants

This Newsletter covers main aspects of the Almaty Process,and border management for ensuring protection those in need of international protection at the borders.

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UNHCR hot lines operate 24/7

In case you need urgent assistance, please call us Kazakhstan: +7 -701-744-72-38; Tajikistan: (992-44) 600 56 00 / 01; Turkmenistan: (993-12) 22 81 85, Keik Okara NGO; Kyrgyzstan: (996-775) 58- 01- 28, Legal Clinic Adilet.

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