Achilleas Zavallis, Photographer


Photo by A. Zavallis/2013.

I took this photo in Damascus, Syria, on 30 March 2013. Abo Akram is seen sitting in front of a wall mural, drawn by his wife, with 2 of his 4 children in a room where he and his family currently live, after their house was destroyed.

“We had to flee our town because of the fighting. I wanted to stay but my wife and children convinced me to go. We were lucky because the day after we left our house got bombed. There is nothing left. Now we are supported just by the kindness of people, who help us by giving food for the children, and from whatever money I can earn if I find small jobs here and there. The rest of my wife’s family left for Jordan and we are going to join them. If nothing else at least our children will be safe there and will be able to go back to school,” the father told me.



1 family torn apart by war is too many

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