ETC Timisoara | Emergency Transit Centre

Emergency Transit Centre (ETC) Timisoara, Europe’s first evacuation facility, opened its doors in May 2008 as part of a Tripartite Agreement between Romania, UNHCR, and International Organization for Migration (IOM).

With room to host up to 200 people, the facility provides temporary shelter to refugees who are in need of immediate evacuation from their first country of refuge. Such evacuations occur when refugees face life-threatening risks – forcible return to areas where they would face persecution, or residence in an unstable, inhumane or dangerous environment.

The ETC enables UNHCR to bring refugees to a safe place where they can prepare for resettlement in a new home. The transit centre is also a secure venue where resettlement countries can conduct interviews with refugees, and conclude the final arrangements for providing new homes for these people. Medical examinations and treatment can be carried out in the ETC. Refugees can attend orientation workshops and language courses geared to the countries where they will be resettling.

Other partners involved in the smooth operation of ETC Timisoara include the Romanian NGO Generaţie Tânără, resettlement countries, international donors, and Romanian citizens living nearby.