COP 21: Climate change, refugees and couture

COP 21: Climate change, refugees and couture

LONDON, Nov 30 (UNHCR)—A dress made from the heavy fabric of a tent used to shelter refugees in Jordan shimmers unexpectedly into life at the busy London train station, sparkling with weather data provided ...
The Kids Foraging for a Future

The Kids Foraging for a Future

Joe Hullman looks you in the eye and speaks in Spanish with a calm authority that belies his 13 years. “I am on vacation,” he says, referring to his school’s summer break, before stepping ...
As War Drags on, Athletes Cry Foul

As War Drags on, Athletes Cry Foul

They were at the top of their game when fighting shook the Central African Republic. Now living as refugees, six stars wonder if they’ll ever compete at that level again. Martial was a national ...
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