Aleppo – a look behind the numbers

Aleppo – a look behind the numbers

Frontline humanitarian workers capture the heartache and hopes of the recently displaced in and around Aleppo. With so much attention on the numbers of people fleeing fighting, UNHCR staff and partners on the ground ...
Caught in the crossfire: conflict & children

Caught in the crossfire: conflict & children

Approximately half of the world’s refugees are children. The international community must act quickly to protect the millions of young people whose lives have been brutally interrupted by conflict. As of 2016, 65.3 million ...
Those Who Remain: Who is stuck in Syria?

Those Who Remain: Who is stuck in Syria?

According to UNHCR estimates, 13.5 million people (75% of the current population) are in need of humanitarian assistance inside Syria. Before the war began in 2011, Syria was considered a stable middle-income country. Literacy ...
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