Last Updated: Wednesday, 04 October 2017, 13:19 GMT

National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities

Selected filters: Registration
Showing 1-10 of 68 results
Armenia: Government Decree No. 774-N of 2014 On approval of the order of acceptance, registration, allocation, provision of temporary shelters, life assurance and medical support of massively displaced population, including refugees

10 July 2014 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Decrees, Circulars, Regulation, Policy Documents

República Dominicana: Ley No. 169-14 de 2014 que establece un régimen especial para personas nacidas en el territorio nacional inscritas irregularmente en el Registro Civil dominicano y sobre naturalización

May 2014 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Afghanistan: Law of 2014 on Registration of Population Records

2014 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Law on Personal Identification Number

3 October 2013 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Bolivia: Decreto Supremo No. 1440 de 2012, Reglamento a la Ley No. 251 de 2012, de protección a personas refugiadas

19 December 2012 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Decrees, Circulars, Regulation, Policy Documents

Georgia: Decree No. 99 of 2012 on the approval of the ruling on the annual registration of Refugee and Humanitarian Status holders

16 August 2012 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Decrees, Circulars, Regulation, Policy Documents

United Kingdom: The Immigration (Provision of Physical Data) (Amendment) Regulations 2011

30 March 2012 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Decrees, Circulars, Regulation, Policy Documents

United Kingdom: The Immigration (Biometric Registration) (Amendment) Regulations 2012

29 February 2012 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Decrees, Circulars, Regulation, Policy Documents

Kazakhstan: Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs No. 496 of 2010 On approval of the Rules of registration and consideration of applications for refugee status

29 November 2010 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Decrees, Circulars, Regulation, Policy Documents

Venezuela: Ley orgánica de registro civil

15 September 2009 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

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